Let's get our rights! with the statewide tenant protective services ombuds program
S.1084 An Act relative to bullying in public housing would establish a statewide tenant protective services ombuds program for elderly and disabled tenants in public and subsidized housing. This legislation should assure protection from bullying and create accountability for landlords. S.1084 must implement and extend the principle stated by the Attorney General—it is unlawful to prevent others from enjoying their rights as citizens and tenants.
Unlawful is only the start! The door to the court is closed to us because we cannot afford justice.
Today we demand tangible justice, justice that holds a sword.

A strong ombuds office is an essential prerequisite and companion to S.900, An Act to prevent and respond to bullying of elderly and disabled residents, by Lovely and H.1407 by Representative Kevin Honan.
An effective ombuds office will be:
- independent;
- cover a broad scope of public and subsidized housing;
- receive referrals from mandated reporters;
- be able to investigate, protect, and enforce.
To make the ombuds office effective, we seek amendments to S.1084.
This is our chance to achieve the goals we have sought for several years. We have testified, bringing tears to all; we have fought for and served on the Commission on Bullying, only to be told, "We won't let you advocate for tenants"
Now we demand a solid piece of legislation that can actually protect us. We here advocate for our rights.
- peaceful enjoyment;
- safety and security in our home;
- freedom from bullying, mobbing, and harassment;
- protection from retaliation;
- accountability for landlords.
Advocacy to prevent bullying continues, please join us to testify on S1084, creating a statewide protective ombuds office to prevent bullying.
Unless we make our voices heard, we can't get the protection we all need.
To submit testimony.on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 you must register by Sunday, October 10 at 5 PM.
You can submit written testimony, online, until Friday, October 15, at 5:00 PM.
All the best,
Joint Committee on Housing: Hearing
Event Details
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Start Time: 11:00 AM
Location:Virtual Hearing
To present testimony on S1084 at the hearing:
Online testimony will be accepted until Friday, October 15 at 5:00 PM.
To submit testimony online you need to first create an account for MyLegislature and follow these instructions.
If you already have an account click here.
Online sign up to testify will be available until Sunday, October 10 at 5:00 PM.
To sign up to testify you need to first create an account for MyLegislature and follow these instructions.
To sign up to give testimony, click here .
NOTE: Anyone can watch the hearing online, but only people who have signed up for oral testimony will be able to be heard during the hearing. Anyone can submit written testimony.
The bill that will be considered:
S.1084 An Act relative to bullying in public housing Joan B. Lovely
Take part in the hearings on our stop bullying bill
It is extremely important that we show up and testify at the hearings for these bills. The hearings will be online, so we can take part without the expense of travel to Beacon Hill.
Your statement must be under 3 minutes. Time yourself as you practice reading it aloud. Tell your personal experience and what you have observed, and any efforts or ideas to solve the problem. Speak in the way that you feel will connect with legislators, who are seeking to understand and remedy problems. You can also submit written testimony.
For more background and resources, https://stopbullyingcoalition.org/ or contact me.
If you wish to testify but not to reveal your name or address to the committee, write to me and I can submit your testimony without identifying you.
I will give testimony on behalf of the Stop Bullying Coalition, and submit our petition to seek amendments to the bill to assure that it will actually serve the purpose of providing protection and relief.
It is our right as citizens to seek amendments that improve a bill, and indeed in this situation, we must demand our right.
My voice is not loud enough to be heard, but together we will be heard.
Act now, call your legislators.
Hello, I am MY NAME, and I live in your district at STREET, CITY, ZIP CODE. I am an tenant in SUBSIDIZED/PUBLIC HOUSING.
At present, we tenants have no protection from bullying, mobbing, and harassment in housing.
I ask for your help to protect all tenants by approving and amending S.1084, An Act relative to bullying in public housing, by Senator Joan B. Lovely. The bill will establish an independent, statewide ombuds office to protect tenants from bullying.
I also urge you to amend this bill following the recommendations of the Stop Bullying Coalition to assure that the ombuds office will have the necessary structure, authority, and resources.
The Stop Bullying Coalition has posted our list of amendments at "Demanding an Effective Ombuds Office." https://stopbullyingcoalition.org/
Thank you.
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