Today is Last Day to Seal the Deal: Act Now

The bill to create a commission on bullying, S1984, has been passed by Beacon Hill legislators and "laid on the desk of the Governor." We got that done by working together with each of you. We need to act together once more.

For the bill to become law and establish the commission on bullying, the Governor must sign it within 10 days from passage on Sunday, 31 July, so deadline is Wednesday, the 10th of August!!

Governor Baker will sign the bill into law only if he hears from a multitude of Massachusetts residents, so it is up to us.

The Governor's office counts and tallies every call and letter in determining what bills to sign.

It is quick, painless, and the main thing to do is to let the Governor know that you urge him to sign S1984, the bill to create a commission to study bullying.

Call or write now, see how below. Please do it now and urge your colleagues and friends to join in. Use every connection possible.

Jonathan called, and Jerry wrote. Please join us to make the commission a reality.

Thank you for what you do,

Jerry Halberstadt & Jonathan Gale

Contact the Governor

Call Constituent Services at (617) 725-4005

I am calling to ask the Governor to sign S1984, bill to create commission on bullying by bringing all stakeholders together to study and remedy in order to  to protect elderly, disabled residents.

Post message to Governor:…

Short message is good, example:

I urge the Governor to sign S1984 into law. The law will create a commission to bring together all the stakeholders to study bullying in subsidized housing and make recommendations for prevention, thus protecting elderly and disabled residents of public and subsidized housing.

Long form Example, short is better:

Dear Governor Baker,

As Coordinator of the Stop Bullying Coalition, I am gratified and proud that the legislature has passed S1984, a bill sponsored by Senator Joan Lovely and Representative Brad Hill, to create a commission to study and seek remedies for the problem of bullying in subsidized housing. I write to urge you to sign it into law.

The legislators demonstrated understanding and compassion, and made this issue their own, taking a problem raised by citizens and partnering with us to develop a process that can help us to learn, to counsel together, to plan, and to educate the public about the terrible damage done by the epidemic of bullying.

The work of the commission can go a long way to assuring that elderly people and disabled people can be protected from bullying and live in a healthy community. Current systems and laws are simply not meeting the challenge of serving and protecting their customers.

I trust that the compassion and wisdom you demonstrated in your work in the administration of health care will lead you to understand the need for better understanding of a problem that affects large numbers of elderly and disabled.

The Commission will be an important first step and strengthen the role of the Commonwealth as a leader in the protection of the rights of all citizens, including the most vulnerable.

The bill has been laid on your desk, and I ask that you sign it into law so that the work of bringing together all the stakeholders can begin and develop effective solutions.

Thank you for what you do,

Jerry Halberstadt

Coordinator, Stop Bullying Coalition




I was born in Boston, MA. Both if my parents are seniors living in the great state of Massachusetts. Many friends and relatives also live there. Bullying, especially of the most vulnerable populations, including the elderly and disabled - must be stopped. This bill is a tangible action for the greater good.
Also, my father is Jerry Halberstadt. I'm proud of his hard work and efforts to better the lives of his fellow citizens.
Thank you.
Please sign this bill.