To Stop Bullying, Organize and Advocate for Your Rights
On October 19, 2017, Jerry Halberstadt, Coordinator of the Stop Bullying Coalition and a Commissioner of the Massachusetts Commission on Bullying, spoke on the role of advocacy and legislation on bullying at the online conference of the National Workplace Bullying Coalition in the context of National Bullying Awareness Month.
Meeting July 17, 2017: Conditions and Prevalence
The committee to assess the prevalence and scale of bullying will meet on July 17 from 10:30am-12pm
Agenda 1) Introductions (10 min) 2) Goals of the survey (20 min) 3) Practical considerations and outreach strategy (35 min) 4) Next steps/ Subcommittees and their tasks (10 min) 5) Continued conversation on the project (15 min)Where
100 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA. Second Floor Conference Room B
Commission on Bullying Works with You
I am enjoying the challenge of being a Commissioner, because it gives me a chance to work on your behalf, partnering with dedicated public servants. We need your input and support to solve the problem of bullying and thus make our public and subsidized housing healthy and safe places to live.
Democracy Happened
When we as citizens get together with our representatives, democracy happpens. Thank you for your support and partnership in the effort to develop a legislative study of the problem of bullying. Your phone calls and letters were a significant factor in convincing legislative leaders to support our bill, S1984. Together we have helped to create national landmark legislation, establishing the Massachusetts Commission to Study Ways to Prevent Bullying of Tenants in Public and Subsidized Multi-Family Housing, pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Resolves of 2016.
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Governor Baker creates landmark commission on bullying
August 10, 2016. Governor Baker has signed resolve S1984, thus creating a landmark commission to protect elderly and disabled victims from harassing and bullying. Passage of this resolve demonstrates again the leadership and compassion of our legislators and of Governor Baker and their responsive concern for the well-being and rights of all citizens. It is a victory for citizen activism and democracy.
Office of the Tenant Advocate: Draft legislation
This draft language has been revised in collaboration with Senator Joan B. Lovely, Representative Sally Kerans, and other legislators. H3868
We welcome comments to Coordinator (at)
S985 An Act relative to bullying in public housing: text
Today is Last Day to Seal the Deal: Act Now
The bill to create a commission on bullying, S1984, has been passed by Beacon Hill legislators and "laid on the desk of the Governor." We got that done by working together with each of you. We need to act together once more.
For the bill to become law and establish the commission on bullying, the Governor must sign it within 10 days from passage on Sunday, 31 July, so deadline is Wednesday, the 10th of August!!
Massachusetts Enacts Landmark Law to Stop Bullying
At Beacon Hill in Boston, Massachusetts legislators today passed S1984, a landmark bill to protect elderly and disabled victims of harassing and bullying. The law would establish the nation’s first state legislative study commission on bullying, shining light on the widespread plague of bullying impacting residents of multifamily public and subsidized housing. When signed by Governor Baker, the commission will enable all stakeholders to work together to begin finding effective remedies.
Success & Progress
CHAPA Supports S1984 on Beacon Hill; Antibullying Law Passes in Missouri; Jim Reed, HUD New England Administrator Supports Action on Bullying; Outreach to Independent Living Centers; Countdown to End of Legislative Session; New Links Resource
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