The Oracle Speaks: Jack & Jill in Erehwon Village

Lucy, the manager of Erehwon Village, a multifamily public housing facility for elderly and disabled, has received complaints about the couple, Jack and Jill, from Thomasina, Dick, and Hariette, the "Guardians," The "Guardians" are self-appointed overseers of life in the village and no one dares stand up to them. What should Lucy, the manager, do? The Oracle is silent on this problem, but the Oracle has received several responses.

America, America, the bell tolls for thee

Statue of Liberty

When we enable our leaders to dehumanize any person or group, we lose our humanity. John Donne wrote, "...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." When our leaders dehumanize a class of people, we allow waves of hatred, like the incoming tide on the beach, to wash away the sandy ramparts that protect our fragile humanity.


Boston Senior Civic Academy, A Springboard for Advocacy

Carol Leary
I recently had the great pleasure of participating in The Senior Civic Academy, sponsored by the City of Boston's Elderly Commission. It was a pilot project over the course of five Fridays, focusing on advocacy by and for seniors, with presentations by panels of experts from a wide range of programs.—A report from Carol Leary

Legislators Meet with Coalition

Senator Lovely and Representative Walsh meet with Coalition
The Stop Bullying Coalition recently had the honor to meet with our elected representatives, Senator Joan Lovely (2nd Essex) and Representative Thomas Walsh (Peabody), to advocate for consideration of our proposed legislation designed to address two critical needs of tenants who are elderly or living with disability, and reside in public or subsidized housing, and are victims of bullying.