Act Now, Help Advance Commission on Bullying

We need your help today!

Our bill, S1984, to create a commission on bullying has passed in the Massachusetts Senate. We are halfway to victory. We need to get the bill moved out of the House Ways and Means Committee, before it is too late.

Urgent: contact your own state representative, Letters, email, phone calls



Please write to Brian S. Dempsey, Chair of the House Committee on Ways and Means. asking him to release S1984 from committee favorably

Bill S.1984 189th (Current) An Act---Resolve creating a commission to study ways to prevent bullying of tenants in public and subsidized multi-family housing Sponsors: Joan B. Lovely, Bradford R. Hill, William N. Brownsberger and other members of the General Court

The commission on bullying is the best way for all the stakeholders to come together, resolve their differences, and come up with an effective program to protect elderly and disabled from bullying.

Thank you,

Also please copy to the key sponsors of the bill, Senator Joan Lovely and Representative Brad Hill.

S1984 An Act Resolve creating a commission to study ways to prevent bullying of tenants in public and subsidized multi-family housing Joan B. Lovely, Bradford R. Hill, Leah Cole, William N. Brownsberger.

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On behalf of the stop bullying coalition we thank each of you for your support, for your continuing efforts, and all you do to make a difference

Jerry Halberstadt Coordinator, Stop Bullying Coalition email: 978.310.9739

Jonathan Gale Associate Coordinator, Stop Bullying Coalition email: