Let's now protect elderly and disabled residents
Phoebe's Story: The System Failed Her
“Phoebe,” an elderly woman with disability, had lived comfortably in public housing, surrounded by her family photographs and heirlooms, inherited furniture, favorite books and records, with her clothing in closets, and with her parakeets for company. Today, she is homeless with her few possessions in paper bags.
The root cause of Phoebe’s homelessness is the failure of her landlord, the local housing authority, and the lack of any protections for a tenant who is the victim of mobbing.
Seeking ombuds legislation on Beacon Hill
Dear Senator Lovely and Representative Walsh,
In the remaining time before the end of this legislative session, can we please establish the ombuds office, possibly by an amendment to S900/H1407?
For a decade, the Stop Bullying Coalition has been seeking a way to protect elderly and disabled tenants living in subsidized and public housing from bullying and mobbing.
Ombuds Now!
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Urgent Need, Targeted Remedy
Social Aggression, Bullying, and Mobbing

Protect Our Rights—Stop the Mobbing
The New "How to Avoid COVID"
Assure Tenant Rights

Public health in housing for elderly and disabled