Welcome to the Stop Bullying Coalition
The Stop Bullying Coalition guide to protecting yourself from bullying and mobbing
Are you experiencing a difficult situation of bullying, mobbing, and hostile environment harassment?
We can offer information and suggestions about sources of help for tenants and what you can do.
Assure Tenants’ Rights
In Massachusetts, we urgently need an effective system of oversight that will protect the rights of tenants, including accommodations to enable disabled tenants to have safe and peaceful enjoyment of their homes.
An effective solution will assure the rights of all tenants, protect them from bullying, mobbing, and discrimination, and provide sufficient housing to meet demand.
Assure Tenant Rights

We, tenants who live in public and subsidized housing, seek legislation to prevent the weakening or loss of rights that arises when public housing is put into private hands, and effective protection from bullying in public and subsidized housing.
We should include all multi-family residential facilities under a single oversight agency, to assure that all citizens have all of their rights respected. Why should there be different rights depending on the landlord's source of income?