Transparent advocacy for the rights of tenants

This post will show how we work with our legislative partners, there is nothing to hide and the more people understand the process, the stronger our movement as we demonstrate how we do democracy. Beacon Hill is often criticized for a lack of transparency. Legislators are seen as under the influence of powerful forces that are never seen in the light of day. We of the Stop Bullying Coalition do advocate on policies and legislation, and we do so out in the open, transparently.

Sticks, Stones, Gossip & Governance Part 2 of 2

“Oldtown” is a small city in the Connecticut River Valley in Western Massachusetts. “Beatrice,” a Black, energetic middle-age woman who is a tenant in “Oldtown Housing Authority (OHA),” is the target of mobbing, including by tenants and staff calling her a bully (although there is no apparent basis for the allegation). She is the tenant commissioner of the OHA board, appointed by the mayor of Oldtown. The legal housing provider in public housing consists of five commissioners, one of whom is a tenant. In some housing authorities, the governance system is in turmoil. How can we remedy the breakdown in trust that affects everyone: tenants, the board, the executive director, the staff, and even the public? Can we find a way to create a more collaborative, transparent community and to value constructive input from everyone? This is Part 2; see Part 1 

Sticks, Stones, Gossip & Governance Part 1 of 2

Smiling woman looks at viewer

In some housing authorities, the governance system is in turmoil. How can we remedy the breakdown in trust that affects everyone: tenants, the board, the executive director, the staff, and even the public? Can we find a way to create a more collaborative, transparent community and to value constructive input from everyone? This is Part 1; See Part 2

Report: Meeting with Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities

As leaders of the Stop Bullying Coalition advocating for the rights of tenants living in public and subsidized housing we have the honor of meeting and collaborating on policy with our legislators and high state officials in the Office of the Attorney General and with the new Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC).

Testimony on H3868, to establish a tenant advocate to protect tenant rights

Testimony of Jerry Halberstadt and others in favor of H3868, “An Act to create the office of the tenant advocate in the Office of the Attorney General,” prepared for the Joint Committee on the Judiciary, December 5, 2023 

To the Honorable Chairs James B. Eldridge and Michael S. Day, Vice Chairs Lydia Edwards and Christine P. Barber and members of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary.


Tenant Advocate: Resources

This article provides additional testimony to support passage of H3868, “An Act to create the office of the tenant advocate in the Office of the Attorney General.” The provider of housing must assure peaceful enjoyment of all tenants and it is unlawful not to prevent harassment or hostile environment harassment. The Fair Housing Law protects tenants in protected classes from hostile environment harassment. The proposed law under H3868 would extend protection to all tenants. Hostile environment harassment harms individual victims and the residential community. There is no current effective oversight; the tenant advocate will fill that need.

BREAKING: Beacon Hill Wants Your Testimony on H3868 So They Can Protect Tenant Rights

The public is invited to participate in the Joint Committee on the Judiciary's hybrid hearing on December 5, 2023 at 1:00pm.  Please note that the Chair will limit testimony to one time, for a total of three minutes, per individual.