“Though we sow in sorrow, yet shall we reap in joy.”

Jerry Halberstadt sailing on Buzzards Bay

To the Stop Bullying Coalition

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

This is a time of great danger for all of us who are elderly and disabled and live in public and privately owned subsidized housing. We are all at exceptional risk of getting COVID, becoming severely ill, and of death.

Now I have COVID-19, or more precisely, COVID has me; I am 84 and have health conditions so that my risk is great. I have access to excellent medical care, although the health system is under stress and I am working long hours to assure my care.

Remembering Billie McGregor

Billie McGregor with poster "Tenants First!"
Billie McGregor was a force of nature, motivated by a deep sense of decency, morality, justice, and empathy. She was a whistle blower, and advocate for tenants of public housing; making herself heard in the public square, demanding the highest levels of responsibility. But few did match her expectations of duty and service.

How to Protect Elderly and Disabled Tenants from COVID-19

State House at Beacon Hill
An Open Letter to the Honorable Governor Charles D. Baker ~ New, stronger standards and protocols with effective oversight around disease prevention need to be established to assure protection from COVID-19 for the 92,000 tenants of public and subsidized housing for elderly and disabled.

Outreach, Community Organization & Advocacy

 Andrew DeFranza, the Executive Director of Harborlight Community Partners presents at CHAPA meeting in Peabody
The strategy of the Stop Bullying Coalition is to continue seeking action on Beacon Hill, and doing outreach and education in local communities. This outreach work will help empower tenants to organize in their housing developments, to do community outreach, and to build local coalitions that can educate their communities as well as grow our roster of advocates.

Ask the Oracle

In this new Ask the Oracle series, we pose a problem situation typical of life in multifamily public and subsidized housing and will present the best answers in the next newsletter. This time, the case of the unwanted tenants.


Ups and downs in tenant-management relations

Pamela Goodwin at Salem Willows

Free at Last

Pamela Goodwin has decided that living in a tent is preferable to seeking peaceful enjoyment in Upton public housing where she experienced bullying and hostile environment harassment.

Goodwin is an advocate for tenants' rights who has also been fighting for her own rights in the public housing in Upton, Mass.  She is a bright, energetic person whose knowledge of rules and regulations often exceeds that of the government officials and experts.