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Assure Tenants’ Rights
Bonny's New Links
By Bonny Zeh
October 11, 2022
I realized that people interested in bullying senior citizens/persons with disabilities needed information. Moreover, bully-victims need to know that they are not alone, even though bullies and mobbing groups try to make bully victims feel isolated.
After over a year’s hiatus, I have gotten around to updating the general links list. I have found 22 new articles, blog posts, and other resources. I would like to highlight some of the more important links:
Remembering Mary Margaret Moore
Public Health in Old Elderly Housing
To remedy a problem, we need to identify the source. This applies to matters of health and relationships between landlords and tenants, as well as to relations among tenants.
Some problems seem easy to understand and appear to have easy solutions, while other problems may be invisible but present a serious threat to health and life.
Without a clear understanding of the threat, we tend to get angry and blame people instead of addressing the actual problem.
Strategies for Action
Alas, as the Beacon Hill legislative rushes to an end this week, we see no chance for action on bullying and mobbing. Early in the next session, we will work with our legislative partners to pass a strong bill to establish an ombuds office. We are determined to provide protection for elderly and disabled tenants of all public and subsidized housing, including assured accountability for irresponsible landlords.
Pryde House Vandalized in Act of Hate
Embracing History to Bend the Moral Arc
Negro Election Day to Be State Holiday
On the third Saturday of July, the 17th of July, 2022 during the celebration of Negro Election Day at the Salem Willows, Doreen Wade introduced and thanked Senator Joan Lovely and Representative Paul Tucker. The legislators announced that both the Senate and the House had approved a bill to establish the third Saturday in July as a state holiday, and would become law with the signature of the Governor. Lovely and Tucker presented Wade with a duplicate of the proclamation that awaits Baker's signature.
Being Human in Housing
Everyone needs other people, we are social. Despite the chaos and the selfish and callous mood in the world today, we are built to be altruistic, to take satisfaction from being a contributing member of a community.
From Bullied to Business
Guest Post by Kolya Lynne Smith
Doing things that make you happy, that you’re passionate about, and serving people is healing balm for your soul. It's about taking back control. It worked for me.