Office of the Tenant Advocate

Why is this creating the office of the tenant advocate in the Office of the Attorney General, so important? This bill will assure tenants of their rights by providing accountability for landlords. Today, across the Commonwealth, a significant minority of landlords of subsidized and public housing fail in their responsibility to provide peaceful enjoyment and prevent hostile environment harassment, thus creating pain and suffering for tenants who can find no relief or remedy. The fundamental cause is the lack of accountability for errant landlords. Most landlords, operating under the same constraints, choose to provide a more hospitable environment. Eliminating hostile environment harassment is essential for building constructive collaboration among tenants and landlords. The bill has a strong foundation in law, research, and the urgent need is confirmed by the experience and testimony of tenants.

A Better Outcome

We tenants hope for an understanding landlord and management so that issues can be resolved smoothly. But we’re not always so lucky. I report here on a landlord-tenant conflict that was resolved to the satisfaction of both.


Even The Sparrow Has Found A Home

Alas, not every child finds a safe home and sparrows do fall. A child fell while in the nest of a car, the shelter the mother could provide when she could not afford the inn.

According to the report by Julie Manganis, Mother facing charges after 2-year-old child dies of an apparent drug overdose, Vanessa Jeising carried the lifeless body of her two-year-old daughter, Lilly Iorio, to Lahey Hospital in Peabody, after they spent the night in her car. The mother has been arrested on charges relating to her daughter’s death.

Free Our Homes 

Statue of man on horse with golden dome of the state house in background
§ An office of the tenant advocate shall be established within the Office of the Attorney General. The office shall assure that the rights of all tenants living in public or subsidized housing are protected, with the primary focus to hold landlords or housing authorities accountable for situations of hostile environment harassment.

Assure Tenants’ Rights

​​​​​​​In Massachusetts, we urgently need an effective system of oversight that will protect the rights of tenants, including accommodations to enable disabled tenants to have safe and peaceful enjoyment of their homes. An effective solution will assure the rights of all tenants, protect them from bullying, mobbing, and discrimination, and provide sufficient housing to meet demand.

Bonny's New Links

By Bonny Zeh
October 11, 2022

I realized that people interested in bullying senior citizens/persons with disabilities needed information. Moreover, bully-victims need to know that they are not alone, even though bullies and mobbing groups try to make bully victims feel isolated. 

After over a year’s hiatus, I have gotten around to updating the general links list. I have found 22 new articles, blog posts, and other resources. I would like to highlight some of the more important links:


Public Health in Old Elderly Housing

White sign with red letters, "Board of Health Event Today."

To remedy a problem, we need to identify the source. This applies to matters of health and relationships between landlords and tenants, as well as to relations among tenants.

Some problems seem easy to understand and appear to have easy solutions, while other problems may be invisible but present a serious threat to health and life.

Without a clear understanding of the threat, we tend to get angry and blame people instead of addressing the actual problem.

Strategies for Action

Alas, as the Beacon Hill legislative rushes to an end this week, we see no chance for action on bullying and mobbing. Early in the next session, we will work with our legislative partners to pass a strong bill to establish an ombuds office. We are determined to provide protection for elderly and disabled tenants of all public and subsidized housing, including assured accountability for irresponsible landlords.
